Your financial requirements have undoubtedly changed. Instead of caring only about one person, you now have to be concerned about each other. Disability income and life insurance may not be the most romantic topics, but they are now high priorities. If you haven't already, you'll soon be discussing major decisions such as home ownership, parenthood and education funding. And there is no time like the present to evaluate strategies and products that will help you meet your long-term goals for a comfortable retirement together. MassMutual Asia offers innovative products and the quality services of qualified professionals - a strong combination that you can trust to help you meet your commitments and dreams in a changing world. It's difficult to predict what unexpected events the future may hold. We can help you prepare to meet most of the challenges life throws your way and provide a lasting relationship to help you meet your financial goals. For inquiries, please contact our consultants.

How you can prepare ...
Life Insurance

With marriage comes added responsibility. You now have another person that may be dependent on you for financial support. If you die, will your spouse be able to continue making mortgage payments, pay off any debt you've accumulated together or simply pay for your funeral expenses? The proceeds from a life insurance policy will help your spouse maintain the standard of living to which he or she is accustomed.

Disability Income Benefits

Most adults rely on their income to create a comfortable lifestyle, purchase a home and pay the bills. What happens to all of that in the event of a disability? Disability income insurance can help replace a portion of lost earnings - helping you to maintain your standard of living.

YF Life Insurance International Ltd. is not a subsidiary or a group company of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.