If you make regular premium payments, your insurance coverage will continue. But what if you become disabled and are unable to meet your payment? Waiver of Premium is a truly enhanced coverage which allows you to keep all the benefits intact without making future payments.


If a serious illness or injury leaves you incapable of engaging in any work for remuneration for
not less than six consecutive months before age 65, the premiums will be waived as long as you
remain totally disabled.


The above contains general information and is for reference only. It does not form part of the policy.
Please refer to the policy document for benefit coverage, exact terms and conditions and exclusions. For
enquiries, please contact our consultants, franchised agents or brokers, or call our Customer Service
Hotline: Hong Kong (852)2533 5555.

YF Life Insurance International Ltd. is not a subsidiary or a group company of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.