Whether you want to increase substantially the protection of your basic plan or simply look for an affordable insurance program, Term Insurance will prove to be one of your best choices. It assures you the most competitive premium rate combined with the most flexible protection period.
High protection at low cost
There is no other insurance plan like Term Insurance that is entirely designed for your protection. It offers sound insurance coverage at extremely attractive rates. Once your coverage becomes effective, the premiums are guaranteed to remain at their remarkably low level.
Flexible protection period
If you are undertaking financial obligations, Term Insurance provides the advantage of flexible protection periods ranging from 10 years up to age 75. It is the ideal insurance vehicle for securing the future of your loved ones and protecting your mortgage, as well as for insuring lines of credits, for a specific period of time.
Guaranteed convertibility
You can convert this term insurance to a complete range of life policies that give you permanent protection and promising returns. And you can make these changes at any time up to age 60, with no medical examination required.
The above content contains general information and is for reference only. Please refer to the policy document for benefit coverage and exact terms and conditions. For enquiries, please contact our consultants, franchised agents or brokers, or call our Customer Service Hotline: Hong Kong(852)2533 5555.