MassMutual Asia’s Respected Choice Life Insurance Plan enables you to show your love and care for your beloved parents. It provides you with sufficient funds and relieves you from the financial strain imposed by fixed mortgage, investment plan and other daily expenses.
Financial Security Against Uncertainy
Respected Choice provides you and your elderly family members with total peace of mind. At a time of need, a significant and immediate cash payment including the Sum Insured1, accumulated dividends and interest will be at your fingertips.
Escalating Protection
What's more, you can take advantage of extra protection with the Bonus Sum Insured declared from the 10th policy anniversary onwards. This extra benefit helps to keep the protection amount in line with the escalating cost of living.
Instant Aid Provided Against A Rainy Day
If you need cash for emergencies, simply present your insurance policy to us with an application form and you will have instant access to a policy loan of up to 90% of the Guaranteed Cash Value.
Extensive Coerage With Short Premium Payment Term
Respected Choice is available for adults aged between 50 to 70 and the benefit term is up to your elderly family members' 100th birthday with premiums only payable for the first 10 years.
No Medical Examination Required
It is perfectly understandable that your elderly family members may not want to undergo medical examinations, and no such test is required under this plan2. Application procedure is kept simple to make life easier for you and your elderly family members.
1 In the event of the death (except for accidental death) of the Insured occuring within the first and second policy years, the death benefit payable will be 30% and 60% respectively of the Sum Insured.
2 Exemption from medical examination is only applicable to applicants for policies with Sum Insured of not greater than HK$240,000 / US$30,000.
The above information is for reference only. Please refer to the policy document for benefit coverage and exact terms and conditions. For enquiries, please contact our consultants, franchised agents or brokers, or call our Customer Service Hotline: Hong Kong - (852)2533 5555.